13 Holmewood Gardens


27th  March 2002


Dear Neighbour,


You may have been as disappointed as we were to see the final three submissions of the Home Zone scheme from Planet Dearth, Lambeth Council's consultant.


During the consultation process, the priorities identified by the residents were:-


1. A reduction in rat-running during busy traffic periods.

2. Elimination of prostitution at the comer of Holmewood Road and Brixton Hill.

3. Preservation of the free parking outside our houses and around the park.

4. Reduction in traffic speeds.

5. Safe access to the park for our children.

6. Improved street and park lighting.


It seems that none of Lambeth's three plans meets these objectives.

In the light of this, I have drawn up a variation of Lambeth's first proposal overleaf which more nearly satisfies our needs.

click here for image of Suggested Layout


This version reduces rat-run traffic by creating 'NO ENTRY' (except for the emergency services), at the junction of Holmewood Rd and Brixton Hill. This eliminates kerb crawlers from the end of Holmewood Rd and so discourages the prostitutes. It also stops nuisance parking in Holmewood Rd by customers of the video shop and other businesses on Brixton Hill.


Speed ramps reduce the traffic speeds along with the width restrictions. These also provide safe crossing points for our children at the entrances to the park.


The council wishes also to increase the number of trees in the zone. It would seem sensible not to give the trees the parking spaces outside our homes (with the loss of natural daylight to our houses and the risks of subsidence to our foundations from the roots) but to plant some more interesting trees within the park to improve it and create something both pleasing and usable.


If you think my proposal is more relevant to the needs of the neighbourhood than the schemes from Lambeth Council, please put your name and address in the space below and return this to me as above by the evening of Monday 1st April.

I will take these to the Borough Engineer on Tuesday, before the consideration of their survey. Remember, no answer means parking restrictions will happen.


With my best wishes to all, John Rolfs.


Please sign belowand return to 13 Holmewood Gardens by Tues 8.30 am. latest..



